When it comes to getting your students' attention, and keeping it, making your lesson as relatable as possible is key. Turn what kids already find entertaining, like going to the movies or texting, into learning experiences, and they'll meet the challenge head on! And they'll have fun doing it! Here are 10 tips to supplementing your daily lessons with...
Before you toss your TV Guide, People, or Every Day with Rachael Ray in the recycle bin, read these tips for repurposing old magazines.  That pile of magazines has great activities to support your math lessons! Magazine Math Have students cut colorful pictures from magazines and paste them onto a piece of construction paper use this template <free...
Use these fun activities to get get your class up and moving this year. Your students will love the change of pace and gain the healthy benefits of moving around. Math Races Put math word problems on index cards. Split your class into teams of four. Take your class outside to the football field. Have each team of four split...
There's a lot of game playing going on in the classroom these days, and we think that's pretty awesome! Are you among the 67% of teachers using traditional and digital games in their classrooms? 5 Components to Educational Gameplay Learning happens by doing Feedback is immediate and ongoing--you'll know what is working, what your students know, and what they need...
Save in the Classroom  Have parents donate a book to your class library in lieu of bringing cupcakes on their child’s birthday. Write the student’s name, birthday, and year on the inside cover so you and all of your students will know who the book was celebrating. Use plastic plates as individual dry-erase boards for each student--they are reusable...
Audiobooks are a proven method for improving reading fluency. The great thing about using audio in your classroom is you can use it as a whole class, small group, or individual exercise. Read-along audiobooks teach students how: - a breath is taken at the end of a sentence - the natural pause after a comma sounds - questions and exclamations should sound -...
Bulletin boards may be the thorn in your non-decorating side or your favorite part of getting your classroom ready for the new school year. Either way, we’ve got five bulletin board ideas that will get the whole class involved! Also check out our Pinterest board with other great bulletin board ideas.  1. Reading Tree Foster a desire in children to read...
Oh the joys of the first days of school. The students are perfectly attentive. You still have all 24 No. 2 pencils that you bought on sale at Target. All 120 crayons are unbroken and in their box. The desks are perfectly aligned within the tape margins you placed on the floor. And you don't have any homework to...
Don't let a disorganized classroom stress you out! Make this school year your most organized. All you need is a little planning and dedication. Here are a few tips (and products) to get your school-year off to a great start. Organized Classroom If you have a file cabinet in your classroom, make a file for each student. For confidentiality purposes assign...
Build students' dictionary skills and you’ll watch their vocabulary, reading skills, and independence grow! Each week, before you hand out your spelling list, introduce students to the words with these fun dictionary activities.  Do your students need a refresher on how to use the dictionary? Brush-up with this worksheet <free download>  from our Dictionary Skills books. Word Races Split the class...