12 Fun Reading Activities to Try for Your Students

Did you know that students who read for enjoyment are more likely to perform better academically than those who don’t? As an educator, it’s essential to find ways to engage your students in reading and create a love for literature. In this guide, we’ll explore 12 fun reading activities that can help make reading an enjoyable and educational experience for your students.

1) Book Tasting Party: Introducing New Genres

A “Book Tasting Party” is a fun way to introduce students to various book genres and encourage them to explore new reading materials. To start, set up the classroom like a restaurant or café, with tables and chairs arranged for a cozy atmosphere. Display a selection of books from different genres, such as mystery, science fiction, biography, and historical fiction, on each table.

Invite the students to visit each table and “sample” a book from the different genres. Give them a few minutes to read a few pages or a chapter of the book they choose. After the allotted time, students can switch tables and try a different genre.

To make this activity more engaging, consider adding some games for reading at each table. For example, have students guess the genre of the book they are sampling. This will not only help them learn about different genres but also make the activity more interactive and exciting.


2) Reading Bingo: Turning Reading Challenges into Fun

Reading Bingo is a creative way to motivate students to read more and challenge themselves with different types of books. To start, create bingo cards with various reading challenges in each square. These challenges could include reading a book with a certain color cover, reading a book by a new author, or reading a book with a specific theme.

Distribute the bingo cards to the students and explain the rules. The goal is for them to complete the reading challenges and get a bingo, either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. When students complete a challenge, they can mark the square with a sticker or a special stamp.

Encourage students to share their progress with the class, discussing the books they’ve read and the challenges they’ve completed. This activity is a great way to teach students to read various materials and foster a sense of friendly competition among them.

3) Reader’s Theater: Bringing Books to Life

Reader’s Theater is an excellent activity for promoting reading comprehension and encouraging students to engage with the text on a deeper level. To start, choose a book or a short story that the class has read recently. Assign students different roles, such as the narrator, the main character, or other important characters in the story.

Have the students rehearse their lines, focusing on their character’s voice, tone, and emotions. Encourage them to use props, costumes, and their creativity to bring their character to life. Once the students are ready, they can perform the scene for the class or even for a larger audience.

Reader’s Theater helps students develop a better understanding of the story, characters, and plot, while also allowing them to express themselves creatively through acting.

4) Book Trailer Project: Promoting Books through Creativity

A “Book Trailer Project” is a fun way for students to showcase their understanding of a book they’ve read and promote it to their peers. Just like a movie trailer, a book trailer should be engaging, visually appealing, and leave the audience wanting to know more about the story.

Divide the students into small groups and have each group choose a book they’ve read recently. Provide them with basic guidelines for creating the trailer, such as:

  • Keeping it between 1-2 minutes long
  • Including key plot points
  • Highlighting the main characters

Encourage the groups to use images, music, and video clips to create a professional-looking trailer.

Once the trailers are complete, have a viewing party where the groups present their work to the class. This activity not only encourages creativity and collaboration but also helps students practice their summarizing and presentation skills.

5) Silent Reading Picnic: Reading in a Relaxing Environment

Mother and child reading book on picnic in park

A “Silent Reading Picnic” is a great way to encourage students to read while enjoying a relaxing environment.

To organize a reading picnic, choose a nice day and find a suitable outdoor location. This can be a park or a quiet spot on the school grounds. Have students bring blankets to sit on, along with their favorite books.

Bring some snacks and drinks for the students to enjoy during their reading time. Set a specific time for silent reading. This allows students to focus on their books without distractions.

6) Reading Buddies: Connecting Students Through Reading

“Reading Buddies” is an activity that pairs older and younger students for shared reading time. This program promotes cross-age learning and helps build relationships among students.

To start, match older students with younger ones. Taking into account their interests and reading levels.

Encourage the older students to read aloud to their younger buddies. Or, have them take turns reading to each other. The older students can also help the younger ones with reading comprehension and vocabulary.

7) Speed Book Dating: Finding Books You’ll Love

“Speed Book Dating” is a fun way for students to discover new books they might not have considered reading otherwise. To set up this activity, gather a variety of books and place them on different tables in the classroom. Assign each student to a table, giving them a short amount of time, such as 3-5 minutes, to explore the book in front of them.

When the time is up, have students move to the next table and explore a new book. This rotation continues until every student has had the opportunity to “speed date” each book. After the activity, students can create a list of the books they find interesting.

8) Create a Classroom Library: Building a Love for Reading Together

Creating a classroom library is an excellent way to foster a love of reading among students. Work together with your students to build a cozy and inviting reading space. Provide shelves, comfortable seating, and good lighting to make the area as welcoming as possible.

Encourage students to recommend and share their favorite books with their classmates. You can also create a system for students to write short book reviews or recommendations. This allows others to discover new books based on their peers’ opinions.

Allow time during the school day for students to visit the classroom library and read. This can further promote the connection between reading and enjoyment.

9) Vocabulary Charades: Learning Words Through Acting

Vocabulary Charades” is a fun way to help students learn new vocabulary words from their reading materials. To play this game, write down vocabulary words from a book or story the class has read on individual slips of paper. Divide the class into two teams and have one student from each team come up and draw a word.

The student must then act out the word without speaking and their teammates try to guess the correct word. This activity encourages students to think about the meanings of the words and how they can represent them through actions.

10) Reading Journal: Reflecting on Reading Experiences

Providing students with a “Reading Journal” is a great way to encourage them to reflect on their reading experiences. Have students use their journals to record their thoughts, feelings, and connections to the books they read. They can:

  • Write about their favorite characters
  • Discuss important themes
  • Draw pictures related to the story

Regularly set aside time for students to share their journal entries with the class. This can promote open discussion about their reading experiences.

A reading journal also helps in tracking reading progress. Students can look back on their past entries and see how their understanding and opinions have evolved over time.

11) Book Club: Engaging in Thoughtful Discussions

Organizing a student-led “Book Club” is an excellent way to encourage critical thinking and respectful debate among students. Have students choose a book to read together, either as a whole class or in smaller groups. Set a reading schedule, and then hold regular meetings for students to discuss their thoughts and opinions about the book.

During the meetings, encourage students to:

  • Ask questions
  • Share their perspectives
  • Respectfully challenge each other’s opinions

This activity not only fosters a love for reading but also helps students develop important communication and critical thinking skills.

12) Author Study: Exploring an Author’s World

An “Author Study” is a focused activity where students study a specific author in-depth. Choose an author whose work is relevant and engaging for your students. Consider factors such as age appropriateness and the author’s contribution to literature.

Have your students read several works by the chosen author. They can then examine their writing style, themes, and the impact of their work on the literary world.

Encourage students to research the author’s background and influences. This should help them understand the context in which the author wrote. This activity promotes a deeper appreciation for literature and helps students develop a better understanding of an author’s unique voice.

Inspiring a Love for Reading with Fun Reading Activities

Incorporating these fun reading activities into your teaching routine can make a significant impact on your students’ interest in reading and their overall academic performance. By creating a positive and enjoyable learning environment, you’ll foster a lifelong love for reading in your students. For more ideas and inspiration, be sure to check out our reading publications. Happy reading!

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